1. DAAGbio::DEnma
    Spotted microarray M and A values; differentially expressed controls
  2. DAAGbio::coralRG
    Spotted microarray red and green foreground and background values
  3. DAAGbio::coralTargets
    Targets file to accompany spotted expression array data
  4. DAAGbio::plantStressCounts
    Matrix holding mRNA counts
    matrix|28775 x 9
  5. DAAGbio::primateDNA
    Mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 14 primates
  6. gamclass::FARS
    US fatal road accident data for automobiles, 1998 to 2010
  7. gamclass::airAccs
    Aircraft Crash data
  8. gamclass::bomregions2018
    Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by Region
  9. gamclass::bronchitis
    Chronic bronchitis in a sample of men in Cardiff
  10. gamclass::coralPval
    P-values from biological expression array data
    matrix|3072 x 1
  11. gamclass::cvalues
    Historical speed of light measurements
  12. gamclass::fars2007
    US Fatal Road Accident Data, 2007 and 2008
  13. gamclass::fars2008
    US Fatal Road Accident Data, 2007 and 2008
  14. gamclass::frontDeaths
    Safety Device effectiveness Measures, by Year
  15. gamclass::german
    German credit scoring data
  16. gamclass::greatLakesM
    Monthly Great Lake heights: 1918 - 2019
  17. gamclass::loti
    Global temperature anomalies
  18. gamclass::otherDeaths
    Safety Device effectiveness Measures, by Year
  19. gamclass::rearDeaths
    Safety Device effectiveness Measures, by Year
  20. gamclass::relDeaths
    Yearly Driver deaths, as Fraction of Deaths for All Years
  21. gamclass::sideDeaths
    Safety Device effectiveness Measures, by Year
  22. hddplot::Golub
    Golub data (7129 rows by 72 columns), after normalization
    matrix|7129 x
  23. hddplot::golubInfo
    Classifying factors for the 72 columns of the Golub data set
  24. hwde::IndianIrish
    Observed genotype frequencies at MN and S loci, for 2 populations
  25. hwde::mendelABC
    Mendel's F2 trifactorial data for seed shape (A: round or wrinkled), cotyledon color (B: albumen yellow or green), and seed coat color (C: grey-brown or white)
  26. qra::HawCon
    Hawaiian Contemporary Cold Treatment Dataset
  27. qra::codling1988
    Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with methyl bromide
  28. qra::codling1989
    Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with methyl bromide
  29. qra::kerrich
    Kerrich Coin Toss Trial Outcomes
  30. qra::malesINfirst12
    Number of males among first 12 in families of 13 children
  31. qra::rayBlight
    Incidence of ray blight disease of pyrethrum