## [1] TRUE
qra::graphSum(df=qra::codling1988, link="cloglog", logScale=FALSE,
dead="dead", tot="total", dosevar="ct", Rep="rep",
fitRep=NULL, fitPanel=NULL,
maint="1988: Codling moth, MeBr",
xlab=expression(bold("CT ")*"(gm.h."*m^{-3}*")"))
qra::graphSum(df=qra::codling1989, link="cloglog", logScale=FALSE,
dead="dead", tot="total", dosevar="ct", Rep="rep",
fitRep=NULL, fitPanel=NULL,
maint="1989: Codling moth, MeBr",
xlab=expression(bold("CT ")*"(gm.h."*m^{-3}*")"))
cloglog <- make.link("cloglog")$linkfun
cod88 <- subset(qra::codling1988, dose>0)
cm88 <- subset(qra::codling1988, dose==0)
cmMatch <- match(cod88$cultRep,cm88$cultRep)
cod88$cm <- cm88[cmMatch,'PropDead']
cod88$apobs <- with(cod88, (PropDead-cm)/(1-cm))
xyplot(cloglog(apobs)~ct|Cultivar, groups=rep,
data=subset(cod88, apobs>0), layout=c(5,1),
maint="1988: Codling moth, MeBr")
cod89 <- subset(qra::codling1989, dose>0)
cm89 <- subset(qra::codling1989, dose==0)
cmMatch <- match(cod89$cultRep,cm89$cultRep)
cod89$cm <- cm89[cmMatch,'PropDead']
cod89$apobs <- with(cod89, (PropDead-cm)/(1-cm))
xyplot(cloglog(apobs)~ct|Cultivar, groups=rep, data=cod89, layout=c(3,1),
maint="1989: Codling moth, MeBr")
We now check the consistency of control mortality estimates across and within cultivars.
ctl <- glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl(optimizer=optim,
cm88.TMB <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(dead,total-dead)~Cultivar,
cm88.glm <- glm(cbind(dead,total-dead)~Cultivar,
cm89.TMB <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(dead,total-dead)~Cultivar,
cm89.glm <- glm(cbind(dead,total-dead)~Cultivar,
The following shows the range of estimated variance multipliers for
the fit with a betabinomial error, and compares it with the “dispersion”
estimate for a glm()
fit with quasibinomial error.
mults <- matrix(nrow=2, ncol=6)
dimnames(mults) <- list(c('88','89'),c('phi','nmin','nmax',
phi88 <- glmmTMB::sigma(cm88.TMB)
nrange <- range(cm88$total)
Phirange <- 1+phi88^{-1}*(nrange-1)
mults['88',] <- c(phi88, nrange, Phirange,
phi89 <- sigma(cm89.TMB)
nrange <- range(cm89$total)
Phirange <- 1+phi89^{-1}*(nrange-1)
mults['89',] <- c(phi89, nrange, Phirange,
## phi nmin nmax Phimin Phimax PhiGLM
## 88 9697.52 1067 3277 1.11 1.34 2.33
## 89 447.54 1474 4177 4.29 10.33 12.30
The estimates of ϕ
) are 1988: 1.03^{-4}; and 1989: 0.00223 . Although
very small, multiplication by values of n that are in the thousands lead to
a variance multiplier that is noticeably greater than 1.0 on 1988, and
substantial in 1989.
Now fit a model for the 1989 control mortality data that allows the
betabinomial dispersion parameter to be different for the different
cultivars. The dispformula
changes from the default
dispformula = ~1
to dispformula = ~0+Cultivar
(Use of dispformula = ~Cultivar
, equivalent to
dispformula = ~1+Cultivar
, would give a parameterization
that is less convenient for present purposes.)
cm89d.TMB <- update(cm89.TMB, dispformula=~0+Cultivar,
nranges <- with(cm89,
phi89d <- exp(coef(summary(cm89d.TMB))$disp[,1])
Phiranges <- 1+t(nranges-1)*phi89d^-1
colnames(Phiranges) <- c("Min","Max")
## Min Max
## Gala 1.03 1.05
## Red Delicious 6.08 10.09
## Splendour 8.07 13.70
Because the model formula allowed different values for different
observations, the function sigma()
could no longer be used
to extract what are now three different dispersion parameters. Instead,
it was necessary to specify
, and then (because a
logarithmic link function is used) take the exponent. (Use of
gives, on the logarithmic
link scale, standard errors, z values, and p-values.)
cults <- unique(cm88$Cultivar)
mat <- matrix(nrow=length(cults),ncol=5)
dimnames(mat) <- list(cults,
for(cult in cults){
df <- subset(cm88, cult==Cultivar)
obj <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(dead,total-dead)~1, control=ctl,
family=glmmTMB::betabinomial(link='logit'), data=df)
phi <- glmmTMB::sigma(obj)
nrange <- range(df$total)
mat[cult,] <- c(phi, nrange, 1+(nrange-1)*phi^-1)
## Warning in finalizeTMB(TMBStruc, obj, fit, h, data.tmb.old): Model convergence
## problem; . See vignette('troubleshooting'), help('diagnose')
## phi nmin nmax PhiMin PhiMax
## ROYAL 577332.1 1597 1676 1.0 1.0
## BRAEBURN 649757.2 1662 2123 1.0 1.0
## FUJI 804367.0 1392 1773 1.0 1.0
## GRANNY 2778.0 2284 3277 1.8 2.2
## Red Delicious 592.6 1067 1147 2.8 2.9