gamclass 0.62
- The data objects 'frontDeaths', 'rearDeaths', 'sideDeaths',
'otherDeaths', and 'relDeaths' have been added.
- plotFars() now has an argument 'tabDeaths', which may be
one of 'frontDeaths', or 'rearDeaths', or 'sideDeaths', or
'otherDeaths', as returned by the function 'tabFarsDead()'.
- The function 'tabFarsDead()' has been added.
- The data object 'FARSmiss' has been omitted.
- Records in the dataset 'FARS' have been restricted to
those that are of interest for analyses such as are
presented in the vignette 'AirbagEffectiveness'.
- The dataset 'bomregions2018' has been added. This has
annual averages of meteorological data (temperature and
rainfall) for Australian regions, plus annual averages
of the Southern Oscillation Index, of CO2 levels, and
of the Dipole Mode Index for the Indian Ocean Dipole.
- The dataset 'coralPval' has been added. This has
P-values were calculated for each of 3072 genes, for
data that compared genetic expression values between
post-settlement coral larvae and pre-settlement coral
gamclass 0.57 (2018-04-03)
Changes in vignettes
- Argument 'reg.line=NA', in calls to the 'car' functions
'sp()' and 'spm()' has been changed to 'regLine=TRUE', as
required in 'car' versions >=3.0.0 .
- An argument 'diag="boxplot"', in figs5.Rnw in a call to
'car::spm()', becomes 'diagonal=list(method="boxplot")',
as required in 'car' versions >=3.0.0 .
gamclass 0.53
- Functions plotFars() an tabFarsDead() do not now have an argument
'data'. Instead, to deal with a "No visible binding" message,
data('FARS', package='gamclass', envir=environment()) is used
to place the dataset 'FARS' in the function environment, with
FARS <- get("FARS", envir=environment()) used to appease the
CRAN check.
- The functions eventCounts() (counts of events by specified intervals),
gamRF() (use repeated sampling to compare interpolation accuracy of
GAM model + randomForests fit to residual), addhlines() (plot
horizontal lines to show rpart fitted values) and bssBYcut()
(between group SS for y, for all possible splits on a value of x)
- Vignettes figs7 and figs8 are new. The former vignettes figs7:figs9
have become figs9:figs11
- The dataset airAccs has been added.