Title: | Data Sets and Functions, for Demonstrations with Expression Arrays and Gene Sequences |
Description: | Data sets and functions, for the display of gene expression array (microarray) data, and for demonstrations with such data. |
Authors: | John Maindonald |
Maintainer: | John Maindonald <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.63-4 |
Built: | 2025-02-16 06:17:19 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/DAAGbio |
Unnormalised red and green values, and corresponding background values.
Further information is in the data frame coralTargets
The format is: Formal class 'RGList' [package "limma"] Can be accessed as a list, with named elements "R" ,"G" ,"Rb" ,"Gb" ,"targets", "source" ,"genes" and "printer"
Lauretto Grasso and Eldon Ball, Molecular Genetics and Evolution Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University.
Targets file, in the form expected by limma, to accompany the
expression array data in coralRg
A data frame with 6 observations on the following 4 variables.
a character vector
Names of files that hold spotted array data
Treatment assigned to Cy3 ("red")
Treatment assigned to Cy5 ("green")
data(coralTargets) ## maybe str(coralTargets) ; plot(coralTargets) ...
data(coralTargets) ## maybe str(coralTargets) ; plot(coralTargets) ...
Values, derived from the data in coralRG
, are the subset of the
M and A values, after normalisation within and between arrays, for the
differentially expressed controls
The format is: Formal class 'MAList' [package "limma"] Can be accessed as a list, with named elements "targets", "source", "genes", "printer", "M" and "A"
Centre for the Molecular Genomics of Genetic Development, ANU
Creates an image of graduated colors that represent the
values of a statistic for each spot on a spotted microarray.
By default, the only the 5
shown. The initial version was based on plot.spatial
in the sma package.
imgplot(z = DAAGbio::coralRG$R[, 1], layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, crit1 = 0.05, crit2 = crit1, key.side=2, lohi.colors = c("#9E0142", "#D53E4F", "#F46D43", "#FDAE61", "#ABDDA4", "#66C2A5", "#3288BD", "#5E4FA2"), nacolor = "#FFFF00", boxplot.side = 1, split = "quantiles")
imgplot(z = DAAGbio::coralRG$R[, 1], layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, crit1 = 0.05, crit2 = crit1, key.side=2, lohi.colors = c("#9E0142", "#D53E4F", "#F46D43", "#FDAE61", "#ABDDA4", "#66C2A5", "#3288BD", "#5E4FA2"), nacolor = "#FFFF00", boxplot.side = 1, split = "quantiles")
z |
values to be plotted |
layout |
layout of spots, in the order (rows of grids, columns of grids, rows of spots in a grid, columns in a grid) |
crit1 |
Choose the lower threshold to include this proportion at the high end |
crit2 |
Choose the upper threshold to include this proportion of values at the low end |
key.side |
Side on which the color key should appear |
lohi.colors |
Graduated sequence of colors |
nacolor |
Use this color for |
boxplot.side |
Show boxplot on this side of figure region |
split |
Specify |
A plot is created on the current graphics device
J. H. Maindonald
## The function is currently defined as function (z=DAAGbio::coralRG$R[,1], layout=cDAAGbio::oralRG$printer, crit1 = 0.05, crit2 = crit1, key.side=2, lohi.colors=c("#9E0142","#D53E4F","#F46D43","#FDAE61", "#ABDDA4","#66C2A5","#3288BD","#5E4FA2"), nacolor="#FFFF00", boxplot.side=1, split="quantiles") { "block2matrix" <- function(z, sr=3, sc=2, gr=2, gc=2){ ## Assumes that values in the vector z are in row major ## order within blocks of dimension sr x sc, with blocks ## in row major order within a gr x gc array of grids. ## Elements in the vector that is returned are in row ## major order wrt the sr*gr x sc*gc matrix of values on ## the slide. (It is given the dimensions of a matrix.) xy <- array(z, dim=c(sc, sr, gc, gr)) xy <- aperm(xy, c(1,3,2,4)) dim(xy) <- c(sc*gc, gr*sr) xy} quantile.na <- function (z, ...) { tmp <- !(is.na(z) | is.infinite(z)) quantile(z[tmp], ...) } length.na <- function (z, ...) { tmp <- !(is.na(z) | is.infinite(z)) length(z[tmp], ...) } if(is.matrix(z))warning("z is a matrix, You probably want a column vector") bplot <- function(z, boxplot.side=1){ xrange <- range(z,na.rm=TRUE) iqr <- diff(quantile(xrange, c(.25,.75))) bwex <- diff(xrange)/(3*iqr) xhi <- max(z,na.rm=TRUE) xusr <- par()$usr[c(1:2)] xpos=pretty(z[!is.na(z)], n=5) z <- xusr[1]+(z-xrange[1])*diff(xusr)/diff(xrange) newpos <- xusr[1]+(xpos-xrange[1])*diff(xusr)/diff(xrange) par(xpd=TRUE) atvert <- switch(boxplot.side, par()$usr[3]-par()$cxy[2]*0.8, "", par()$usr[4]+par()$cxy[2]*0.8, "") if(atvert!=""){ boxplot(z, at=atvert, boxwex=bwex, add=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, xaxt="n") axis(side=boxplot.side, line=1.5, at=newpos, labels=xpos, cex.axis=0.75, mgp=c(2, 0.5, 0)) } par(xpd=FALSE) } if (crit1 >= 1) crit1 <- crit1/(length.na(z)) if (crit2 >= 1) crit2 <- crit2/(length.na(z)) tmpind <- (z > quantile.na(z, probs = 1 - crit2)) | (z < quantile.na(z, probs = crit1)) n <- prod(unlist(layout)) n.all <- length(z) n.na <- sum(is.na(z)) nhalf <- length(lohi.colors)%/%2 n2 <- 2*nhalf n.one <- length(lohi.colors) plo <- crit1*(0:nhalf)/nhalf phi <- 1-crit2*(nhalf:0)/nhalf quiles1 <- quantile.na(z, plo) quiles2 <- quantile.na(z, phi) if(split=="intervals"){ quiles1[2:nhalf] <- quiles1[1]+(quiles1[nhalf+1]-quiles1[1])* (1:(nhalf-1))/nhalf quiles2[2:nhalf] <- quiles2[1]-(quiles2[nhalf+1]-quiles2[1])* ((nhalf-1):1)/nhalf plo[-1] <- sapply(quiles1[-1], function(x, z)sum(z<=x, na.rm=TRUE)/length.na(z), z=z) phi[-1] <- sapply(quiles2[-1], function(x, z)sum(z<=x, na.rm=TRUE)/length.na(z), z=z) } if(crit1+crit2<1){ quiles <- c(quiles1,quiles2) frac <- c(plo, phi) colpal <- c(lohi.colors[1:nhalf],"#FFFFFF", lohi.colors[(n.one-nhalf+1):(n.one)]) midbreak <- TRUE } else {colpal <- lohi.colors midbreak <- FALSE quiles <- quantile.na(z, (0:n.one)/n.one) frac <- c(plo, phi[-1]) } dups <- duplicated(quiles) if(any(dups)){ cats <- seq(along=quiles[-1]) filledcats <- cats[!dups] cutcats <- as.integer(cut(z, quiles[!dups], include.lowest=TRUE)) fullm <- filledcats[cutcats]} else fullm <- as.integer(cut(z, quiles, include.lowest=TRUE)) n.one <- length(colpal) nrects <- length(quiles) if(any(is.na(z))){ nacat <- TRUE fullm[is.na(fullm)] <- max(unique(fullm[!is.na(fullm)]))+1 colpal <- c(colpal, nacolor) } else nacat <- FALSE if ((length(as.vector(z)) != n) & (!is.null(names(z)))) { y <- fullm[tmpind] fullm <- rep(NA, n) fullm[as.integer(names(y))] <- y } else fullm[!tmpind] <- NA if ((length(as.vector(z)) != n) & (is.null(names(z)))) { stop(paste("Error: Length of vector is different from total number\n", "of spots and vector has no row.name.\n")) } ################################################################# gc <- layout$ngrid.c gr <- layout$ngrid.r sc <- layout$nspot.c sr <- layout$nspot.r full <- block2matrix(fullm, sr, sc, gr, gc) image(1:ncol(full), 1:nrow(full), t(full), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col=colpal) box() abline(v = ((gr - 1):1) * (sr) + 0.5) abline(h = (1:(gc - 1)) * (sc) + 0.5) ################################################################# if(boxplot.side%in%c(1,3))bplot(z, boxplot.side=boxplot.side) if(key.side%in%c(2,4)){ chw <- par()$cxy[1] barwid <- 0.75*chw if(key.side==2){ x0 <- par()$usr[1]-chw-barwid xcutpos <- x0 - 0.4*chw xquilepos <- x0+barwid+0.55*chw srt <- 90 } else { x0 <- par()$usr[2]+chw xcutpos <- x0 + barwid + 0.4*chw xquilepos <- x0-0.4*chw srt <- -90 } yvals2 <- seq(from=par()$usr[3], to=par()$usr[4], length=n2+midbreak+2*nacat+1)[-(n2+midbreak+2*nacat+1)] eps2 <- diff(yvals2[1:2]) if(nacat){ nlast <- length(yvals2) nclast <- length(colpal) rect(x0, yvals2[nlast], x0+barwid, yvals2[nlast]+eps2, col=colpal[nclast], xpd=TRUE) text(x0+0.5*barwid, yvals2[nlast]+0.5*eps2, "NA", xpd=TRUE, srt=srt) yvals2 <- yvals2[-((nlast-1):nlast)] colpal <- colpal[-nclast] } if(!midbreak){ rect(x0, yvals2, x0+barwid, yvals2+eps2, col=colpal, xpd=TRUE) text(xcutpos, c(yvals2[1],yvals2+eps2), paste(signif(quiles,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[1], "(0%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) fracs <- frac[-c(1, length(frac))] text(xquilepos, yvals2[-1], paste("(",round(fracs*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[length(yvals2)]+eps2, "(100%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) } else {rect(x0, yvals2[1:nhalf], x0+barwid, yvals2[1:nhalf]+eps2, col=colpal[1:nhalf], xpd=TRUE) rect(x0, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], x0+barwid, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)]+eps2, col=colpal[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], xpd=TRUE) text(xcutpos, yvals2[1:(nhalf+1)], paste(signif(quiles1,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[2:(nhalf+1)], paste("(",round(plo[-1]*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[1], "(0%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xcutpos, c(yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], yvals2[2*nhalf+1]+eps2), paste(signif(quiles2,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], paste("(",round(phi[-length(phi)]*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[2*nhalf+1]+eps2, "(100%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) } } invisible() }
## The function is currently defined as function (z=DAAGbio::coralRG$R[,1], layout=cDAAGbio::oralRG$printer, crit1 = 0.05, crit2 = crit1, key.side=2, lohi.colors=c("#9E0142","#D53E4F","#F46D43","#FDAE61", "#ABDDA4","#66C2A5","#3288BD","#5E4FA2"), nacolor="#FFFF00", boxplot.side=1, split="quantiles") { "block2matrix" <- function(z, sr=3, sc=2, gr=2, gc=2){ ## Assumes that values in the vector z are in row major ## order within blocks of dimension sr x sc, with blocks ## in row major order within a gr x gc array of grids. ## Elements in the vector that is returned are in row ## major order wrt the sr*gr x sc*gc matrix of values on ## the slide. (It is given the dimensions of a matrix.) xy <- array(z, dim=c(sc, sr, gc, gr)) xy <- aperm(xy, c(1,3,2,4)) dim(xy) <- c(sc*gc, gr*sr) xy} quantile.na <- function (z, ...) { tmp <- !(is.na(z) | is.infinite(z)) quantile(z[tmp], ...) } length.na <- function (z, ...) { tmp <- !(is.na(z) | is.infinite(z)) length(z[tmp], ...) } if(is.matrix(z))warning("z is a matrix, You probably want a column vector") bplot <- function(z, boxplot.side=1){ xrange <- range(z,na.rm=TRUE) iqr <- diff(quantile(xrange, c(.25,.75))) bwex <- diff(xrange)/(3*iqr) xhi <- max(z,na.rm=TRUE) xusr <- par()$usr[c(1:2)] xpos=pretty(z[!is.na(z)], n=5) z <- xusr[1]+(z-xrange[1])*diff(xusr)/diff(xrange) newpos <- xusr[1]+(xpos-xrange[1])*diff(xusr)/diff(xrange) par(xpd=TRUE) atvert <- switch(boxplot.side, par()$usr[3]-par()$cxy[2]*0.8, "", par()$usr[4]+par()$cxy[2]*0.8, "") if(atvert!=""){ boxplot(z, at=atvert, boxwex=bwex, add=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, xaxt="n") axis(side=boxplot.side, line=1.5, at=newpos, labels=xpos, cex.axis=0.75, mgp=c(2, 0.5, 0)) } par(xpd=FALSE) } if (crit1 >= 1) crit1 <- crit1/(length.na(z)) if (crit2 >= 1) crit2 <- crit2/(length.na(z)) tmpind <- (z > quantile.na(z, probs = 1 - crit2)) | (z < quantile.na(z, probs = crit1)) n <- prod(unlist(layout)) n.all <- length(z) n.na <- sum(is.na(z)) nhalf <- length(lohi.colors)%/%2 n2 <- 2*nhalf n.one <- length(lohi.colors) plo <- crit1*(0:nhalf)/nhalf phi <- 1-crit2*(nhalf:0)/nhalf quiles1 <- quantile.na(z, plo) quiles2 <- quantile.na(z, phi) if(split=="intervals"){ quiles1[2:nhalf] <- quiles1[1]+(quiles1[nhalf+1]-quiles1[1])* (1:(nhalf-1))/nhalf quiles2[2:nhalf] <- quiles2[1]-(quiles2[nhalf+1]-quiles2[1])* ((nhalf-1):1)/nhalf plo[-1] <- sapply(quiles1[-1], function(x, z)sum(z<=x, na.rm=TRUE)/length.na(z), z=z) phi[-1] <- sapply(quiles2[-1], function(x, z)sum(z<=x, na.rm=TRUE)/length.na(z), z=z) } if(crit1+crit2<1){ quiles <- c(quiles1,quiles2) frac <- c(plo, phi) colpal <- c(lohi.colors[1:nhalf],"#FFFFFF", lohi.colors[(n.one-nhalf+1):(n.one)]) midbreak <- TRUE } else {colpal <- lohi.colors midbreak <- FALSE quiles <- quantile.na(z, (0:n.one)/n.one) frac <- c(plo, phi[-1]) } dups <- duplicated(quiles) if(any(dups)){ cats <- seq(along=quiles[-1]) filledcats <- cats[!dups] cutcats <- as.integer(cut(z, quiles[!dups], include.lowest=TRUE)) fullm <- filledcats[cutcats]} else fullm <- as.integer(cut(z, quiles, include.lowest=TRUE)) n.one <- length(colpal) nrects <- length(quiles) if(any(is.na(z))){ nacat <- TRUE fullm[is.na(fullm)] <- max(unique(fullm[!is.na(fullm)]))+1 colpal <- c(colpal, nacolor) } else nacat <- FALSE if ((length(as.vector(z)) != n) & (!is.null(names(z)))) { y <- fullm[tmpind] fullm <- rep(NA, n) fullm[as.integer(names(y))] <- y } else fullm[!tmpind] <- NA if ((length(as.vector(z)) != n) & (is.null(names(z)))) { stop(paste("Error: Length of vector is different from total number\n", "of spots and vector has no row.name.\n")) } ################################################################# gc <- layout$ngrid.c gr <- layout$ngrid.r sc <- layout$nspot.c sr <- layout$nspot.r full <- block2matrix(fullm, sr, sc, gr, gc) image(1:ncol(full), 1:nrow(full), t(full), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col=colpal) box() abline(v = ((gr - 1):1) * (sr) + 0.5) abline(h = (1:(gc - 1)) * (sc) + 0.5) ################################################################# if(boxplot.side%in%c(1,3))bplot(z, boxplot.side=boxplot.side) if(key.side%in%c(2,4)){ chw <- par()$cxy[1] barwid <- 0.75*chw if(key.side==2){ x0 <- par()$usr[1]-chw-barwid xcutpos <- x0 - 0.4*chw xquilepos <- x0+barwid+0.55*chw srt <- 90 } else { x0 <- par()$usr[2]+chw xcutpos <- x0 + barwid + 0.4*chw xquilepos <- x0-0.4*chw srt <- -90 } yvals2 <- seq(from=par()$usr[3], to=par()$usr[4], length=n2+midbreak+2*nacat+1)[-(n2+midbreak+2*nacat+1)] eps2 <- diff(yvals2[1:2]) if(nacat){ nlast <- length(yvals2) nclast <- length(colpal) rect(x0, yvals2[nlast], x0+barwid, yvals2[nlast]+eps2, col=colpal[nclast], xpd=TRUE) text(x0+0.5*barwid, yvals2[nlast]+0.5*eps2, "NA", xpd=TRUE, srt=srt) yvals2 <- yvals2[-((nlast-1):nlast)] colpal <- colpal[-nclast] } if(!midbreak){ rect(x0, yvals2, x0+barwid, yvals2+eps2, col=colpal, xpd=TRUE) text(xcutpos, c(yvals2[1],yvals2+eps2), paste(signif(quiles,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[1], "(0%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) fracs <- frac[-c(1, length(frac))] text(xquilepos, yvals2[-1], paste("(",round(fracs*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[length(yvals2)]+eps2, "(100%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) } else {rect(x0, yvals2[1:nhalf], x0+barwid, yvals2[1:nhalf]+eps2, col=colpal[1:nhalf], xpd=TRUE) rect(x0, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], x0+barwid, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)]+eps2, col=colpal[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], xpd=TRUE) text(xcutpos, yvals2[1:(nhalf+1)], paste(signif(quiles1,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[2:(nhalf+1)], paste("(",round(plo[-1]*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[1], "(0%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xcutpos, c(yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], yvals2[2*nhalf+1]+eps2), paste(signif(quiles2,3)), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8) text(xquilepos, yvals2[(nhalf+2):(2*nhalf+1)], paste("(",round(phi[-length(phi)]*100,2),")",sep=""), srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) text(xquilepos, yvals2[2*nhalf+1]+eps2, "(100%)", srt=srt, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.65) } } invisible() }
Three treatments (3 samples each) were applied to Arabidopsis plants. RNA-Seq technology was used to determine messenger RNA (mRNA) counts. These were processed to remove counts for sequences that could not be identified as corresponding to a gene.
The matrix plantStressCounts
has 28775 rows,
and 9 columns. Rows have the nondescript names
"Gene1" "Gene2" "Gene3" "Gene4" ... . Columns are
named "CTL1", "CTL2", "CTL3", "Light1", "Light2", "Light3",
"Drought1", "Drought2", "Drought3"
The treatments were:
Plants were grown under normal light and watering conditions
One hour of continuous exposure to light at ten times the level that the plants are normally grown under
Nine days without water, causing wilting of the leaves
The interest is in how light and drought stress affect gene expression to produce proteins.
Data are from Peter Crisp, obtained as part of his PhD work in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at Australian National University.
data(plantStressCounts) ## maybe str(plantStressCounts) ; plot(plantStressCounts) ...
data(plantStressCounts) ## maybe str(plantStressCounts) ; plot(plantStressCounts) ...
Shows the sequence of movements of a spotted microarray printhead, when a slide is printed.
plotprintseq(ngrid.r = 4, ngrid.c = 4, nspot.r = 16, nspot.c = 12, gridorder = expand.grid(row = 1:ngrid.c, col = 1:ngrid.r), spotorder = list(x = nspot.r:1, y = nspot.c:1), rowmajor = FALSE, eps = 1, delay1 = 100, delay2 = 2000)
plotprintseq(ngrid.r = 4, ngrid.c = 4, nspot.r = 16, nspot.c = 12, gridorder = expand.grid(row = 1:ngrid.c, col = 1:ngrid.r), spotorder = list(x = nspot.r:1, y = nspot.c:1), rowmajor = FALSE, eps = 1, delay1 = 100, delay2 = 2000)
ngrid.r |
Number of rows of grids |
ngrid.c |
Number of columns of grids |
nspot.r |
Number of rows of spots in a grid |
nspot.c |
Number of columns of spots in a grid |
gridorder |
A data frame whose rows specify grids, in order of printing |
spotorder |
A list, specifying the order across rows and up or down each column in a grid |
rowmajor |
Order of printing of spots within grids. |
eps |
Distance between grids |
delay1 |
Delay in shifting by one spot |
delay2 |
Delay in shifting to new column or new row |
plotprintseq() ## The function is currently defined as function(ngrid.r=4, ngrid.c=4, nspot.r=16, nspot.c=12, gridorder=expand.grid(row=1:ngrid.c, col=1:ngrid.r), spotorder=list(x=nspot.r:1, y=nspot.c:1), rowmajor=FALSE, eps=1, delay1=100, delay2=2000){ oldpar <- par(mar=par()$mar-c(0,0,2.5,0)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) plotpoints <- function(i, j, delay1=5000, delay2=10000){ points(i+xy$x, j+xy$y, pch=15, cex=0.5, col="cyan") x <- 0 for(k in 1:delay2)x <- x+1 points(i+xy$x, j+xy$y, pch=15, cex=0.85, col="grey60") x <- 0 for(k in 1:delay1)x <- x+1 } xy <- gridorder-1 names(xy) <- c("x","y") xy$x <- xy$x*(nspot.c+eps) xy$y <- xy$y*(nspot.r+eps) plot(c(1, ngrid.c*(nspot.c+eps)), c(1, ngrid.r*(nspot.r+eps)), type="n",xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE) mtext(side=1, line=1, paste("Grid layout: #rows of Grids =", ngrid.r, " #columns of Grids =", ngrid.c)) mtext(side=1, line=2.5, paste("In each grid: #rows of Spots =", nspot.r, " #columns of Spots =", nspot.c)) if (rowmajor) for(j in spotorder$x) for(i in spotorder$y) plotpoints(i,j, delay1=delay1, delay2=delay2) else for(i in spotorder$y) for(j in spotorder$x) plotpoints(i,j, delay1=delay1, delay2=delay2) }
plotprintseq() ## The function is currently defined as function(ngrid.r=4, ngrid.c=4, nspot.r=16, nspot.c=12, gridorder=expand.grid(row=1:ngrid.c, col=1:ngrid.r), spotorder=list(x=nspot.r:1, y=nspot.c:1), rowmajor=FALSE, eps=1, delay1=100, delay2=2000){ oldpar <- par(mar=par()$mar-c(0,0,2.5,0)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) plotpoints <- function(i, j, delay1=5000, delay2=10000){ points(i+xy$x, j+xy$y, pch=15, cex=0.5, col="cyan") x <- 0 for(k in 1:delay2)x <- x+1 points(i+xy$x, j+xy$y, pch=15, cex=0.85, col="grey60") x <- 0 for(k in 1:delay1)x <- x+1 } xy <- gridorder-1 names(xy) <- c("x","y") xy$x <- xy$x*(nspot.c+eps) xy$y <- xy$y*(nspot.r+eps) plot(c(1, ngrid.c*(nspot.c+eps)), c(1, ngrid.r*(nspot.r+eps)), type="n",xlab="",ylab="",axes=FALSE) mtext(side=1, line=1, paste("Grid layout: #rows of Grids =", ngrid.r, " #columns of Grids =", ngrid.c)) mtext(side=1, line=2.5, paste("In each grid: #rows of Spots =", nspot.r, " #columns of Spots =", nspot.c)) if (rowmajor) for(j in spotorder$x) for(i in spotorder$y) plotpoints(i,j, delay1=delay1, delay2=delay2) else for(i in spotorder$y) for(j in spotorder$x) plotpoints(i,j, delay1=delay1, delay2=delay2) }
Bases at 232 mitochondrial locations (not continuous), for each of 14 primates.
A matrix of 14 rows (primate species) by 232 locations.
Data, originally from Masami Hasegawa, are from http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/book/primates.dna
Felsenstein, J. 2003. Inferring Phylogenies. Sinauer.
data(primateDNA) ## Not run: library(ape) primates.dist <- dist.dna(as.DNAbin(primateDNA), model = "K80") primates.cmd <- cmdscale(primates.dist) lefrt <- primates.cmd[,1] < apply(primates.cmd, 1, mean) plot(primates.cmd) text(primates.cmd, rownames(primates.cmd), pos=lefrt*2+2) ## End(Not run)
data(primateDNA) ## Not run: library(ape) primates.dist <- dist.dna(as.DNAbin(primateDNA), model = "K80") primates.cmd <- cmdscale(primates.dist) lefrt <- primates.cmd[,1] < apply(primates.cmd, 1, mean) plot(primates.cmd) text(primates.cmd, rownames(primates.cmd), pos=lefrt*2+2) ## End(Not run)
This is designed to repeat a plot, usually an image plot, across multiple columns of a matrix of gene expression values. A boxplot that shows the distribution of values appears below each panel.
xplot(data = DAAGbio::coralRG$R, images = 1:6, layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, mfrow = c(3, 2), FUN = imgplot, device = NULL, title = NULL, width = 7.5, height = 10, paneltitles = c("1:R/G", "2:G/R", "3:R/G", "4:G/R", "5:R/G", "6:G/R"), paneltitles.line = 0.5, mar = c(3.6, 3.6, 1.6, 0.6), oma = c(0.6, 0.6, 1.6, 0.6), file = NULL)
xplot(data = DAAGbio::coralRG$R, images = 1:6, layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, mfrow = c(3, 2), FUN = imgplot, device = NULL, title = NULL, width = 7.5, height = 10, paneltitles = c("1:R/G", "2:G/R", "3:R/G", "4:G/R", "5:R/G", "6:G/R"), paneltitles.line = 0.5, mar = c(3.6, 3.6, 1.6, 0.6), oma = c(0.6, 0.6, 1.6, 0.6), file = NULL)
data |
matrix of expression array values |
images |
columns of matrix for which plots are required |
layout |
layout of spots, in the order (rows of grids, columns of grids, rows of spots in a grid, columns in a grid) |
mfrow |
row by column layout of plots on a page |
device |
If |
title |
A title for the page of graphs |
width |
width of plot (in) |
height |
height of plot (in) |
paneltitles |
character vector of titles for individual panels |
paneltitles.line |
height (lines) at which panel title are to appear above the upper margin of each panel |
mar |
Setting for |
oma |
Setting for |
file |
Optional file name, if output is to a file |
J. H. Maindonald
## Not run: xplot(data=coralRG$R, layout=coralRG$printer, FUN=imgplot) ## End(Not run) ## The function is currently defined as function(data = DAAGbio::coralRG$R, images=1:6, layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, mfrow=c(3,2), FUN = imgplot, device=NULL, title=NULL, width=7.5, height=10, paneltitles=c("1:R/G","2:G/R", "3:R/G","4:G/R", "5:R/G","6:G/R"), paneltitles.line=0.5, mar=c(3.6,3.6,1.6,0.6), oma=c(0.6,0.6,1.6,0.6), file=NULL){ if(is.null(title)){title <- as.character(substitute(data)) title <- paste(title[2], title[3], sep=":") } if(is.null(file))file <- title nch <- nchar(title) if(!is.null(device)){devnam <- deparse(substitute(device)) ext <- switch(devnam, ps="ps", pdf="pdf", png="png", jpeg="jpg", bitmap="bmp") file <- paste(title,".", ext, sep="") print(file) device(file=file, width=width, height=height) } oldpar <- par(mfrow=mfrow, mgp=c(1,0.25,0), oma=oma, mar=mar) on.exit(par(oldpar)) for(i in images){ FUN(data[,i], layout=layout) mtext(side=3,line=paneltitles.line,paneltitles[i],adj=0) } mtext(side=3, line=0.25, title, outer=TRUE) if(!is.null(device))dev.off() }
## Not run: xplot(data=coralRG$R, layout=coralRG$printer, FUN=imgplot) ## End(Not run) ## The function is currently defined as function(data = DAAGbio::coralRG$R, images=1:6, layout = DAAGbio::coralRG$printer, mfrow=c(3,2), FUN = imgplot, device=NULL, title=NULL, width=7.5, height=10, paneltitles=c("1:R/G","2:G/R", "3:R/G","4:G/R", "5:R/G","6:G/R"), paneltitles.line=0.5, mar=c(3.6,3.6,1.6,0.6), oma=c(0.6,0.6,1.6,0.6), file=NULL){ if(is.null(title)){title <- as.character(substitute(data)) title <- paste(title[2], title[3], sep=":") } if(is.null(file))file <- title nch <- nchar(title) if(!is.null(device)){devnam <- deparse(substitute(device)) ext <- switch(devnam, ps="ps", pdf="pdf", png="png", jpeg="jpg", bitmap="bmp") file <- paste(title,".", ext, sep="") print(file) device(file=file, width=width, height=height) } oldpar <- par(mfrow=mfrow, mgp=c(1,0.25,0), oma=oma, mar=mar) on.exit(par(oldpar)) for(i in images){ FUN(data[,i], layout=layout) mtext(side=3,line=paneltitles.line,paneltitles[i],adj=0) } mtext(side=3, line=0.25, title, outer=TRUE) if(!is.null(device))dev.off() }